

Point and click for larger images.

The map is a simplified self-produced virtual vector map.

Here you see a boat with a red triangle. This is an AIS ship with alarm warning.

Green circle is always own vessel.

The gray line that points out from the boats is the course and speed vector. Explained below.

This is the menu for the map - which you will find at the top of the map window.

The Latitude and Longitude are displayed in the main menu.

The vector length (minutes) is selected with +/-. The vector shows the vessel's course and how far it will sail in the specified time periods. If you look at the image above, the AIS ship (red triangle) will be on top of the vector in 3 minutes. Own vessel will be between red and green buoy.

+ and - buttons to the far left are zoom buttons.

S2C button (Set To Center) puts own boat to the center of the map window.
Double-clicking with the left mouse button on the map does the same thing.

The 1: 1 and 1: 2 buttons are shortcut buttons for zooming (100% and 50%).

EBL (Electronic Bearing Line) - electronic bearing ruler. When you press this button, the map cursor will become a hand with  index finger. Press and hold the left mouse button on the point you want to measure bearing and distance from. Move the mouse cursor while holding down the left mouse button. You will see the EBL line move with the mouse cursor - at the same time you will see numerical values for bearing and distance next to the mouse cursor. If you release the mouse key, you will be able to repeat this operation another space.

Press the right mouse button to cancel the function - and the mouse cursor changes to an arrow cursor.

Waypoints - Routes

Point inside the AIS triangle and click with the left mouse button. The following dialog pops up.

If you want to create a route, press the R button in the menu at the top of the map window. A dialog like the one on the left appears. To create a new route, press the New route button, and then the Set point button.

The map marker ( a cross) becomes a hand with the index finger. Move the cursor to the first point, click (do not hold down) the left mouse button for each waypoint.

A line is drawn through each WP, and from the last WP to the mouse cursor.

To end the function, press the right mouse button. To continue, press the Set point button again and continue where you left off.

You can adjust the WPs by pointing inside the squares and moving the mouse while holding down the left mouse button.

To save the route, enter a name and then tap Save route button.

New route erases the route shown on the map. If you have just created a route, you must save before starting a new route.

To retrieve a saved route, select it in the list, and then tap Open route button.

If you want the route to appear on the map after closing the dialog, check Show route on the map.



A new route must be stored before it can be used in the Autopilot.

The route must be shown on the map before it can be used in the Autopilot.

Point inside the square (here 1) on a waypoint, and you will see the course and distance from the previous waypoint (here from   0 to 1).

If you press the left mouse button, you can move it by moving the mouse. The route dialogue must then be up. Remember to save after you have made changes.